Data Controls Explained

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The Celebris system includes a lot of system controls to minimize the user data input errors. When inconsistent data is detected, the system can prevent it by either restricting the persistence of the inconsistent data or  by supplying warning or informative messages to the user to make sure the user is aware of the condition.


There are three levels: Error, Warning and Information.


The ERROR messages appear when the system detects an inconsistency that should never be present in the system. When an Error level message is displayed, the user has to fix the inconsistent data in order to be able to save it..


The WARNING messages appear when the system detects an inconsistency in the input data, but the user can decide to keep it .


The INFORMATION messages appear when the system detects not inconsistent but uncommon data, and reminds the user to double check it in case that it might be a faulty input.


The messages appear in the language that was chosen by the user during the log in process.